Preschool Gymnastics
If you're interested in gymnastics, Texas Star is the place for you! We offer a variety of classes for all skill levels and a great coaching staff that love to see the kids progress as they move through our program.
Trial Class- $28:
Tuition: $98 per 4 weeks (1 class per week)
Yearly Membership Fee- $50 (for 1st child), $45 (for 2nd child)
Membership Fees are charged every September or upon enrollment.
During the school year, we offer nine 4-week sessions. (We do NOT follow the calendar months)
You can join at any time during any session.
2024-2025 Session dates are:
Sep: Aug 28-Sep 23
Oct: Sep 24-Oct 21
Nov: Oct 22-Nov 22
Dec: Nov 22-Dec 16
Jan: Jan 1-Jan 27
Feb: Jan 28-Feb 24
Mar: Feb 25-Mar 23
Apr: Mar 24-Apr 20
May: Apr 21-May 18
Recurring billing takes place on the 25th of each month for the following 4 weeks.
Call for pricing and details!!

Preschool-Age classes will experience many areas of the gym and lots of equipment, including Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor, Trampoline and yes, our Famous PIT AREA!! These classes are co-ed and are broken down into two age groups:
2-3 Years:
This class is designed for our 2/3 year old. The kids will love learning basic gymnastics while they also work on listening, following directions, taking turns and how to move to the next station. Parents are asked to be available to assist in class if necessary. The children will start in circle time, stretching and warming up while singing songs and chatting with their instructor. Then they will do 2 events each week, as well as trampoline/tumble track/pit. Classes for this age group are 40 minutes long and the student:teacher ratio is 6:1.
4-5 Years:
This class is designed for 4/5 year old (not yet in Kindergarten). The kids will love the flipping, turning and jumping as they discover gymnastics. The children will start in circle time, stretching and warming up while seeing songs and chatting with their instructor. Then they will do 2 events each week, as well as trampoline/tumble track/pit. This class is 55 minutes long and can move a little quicker since this age group can process many commands. The student:teacher ratio is 7:1.
$98/4 weeks $50/yearly membership fee
Each preschool class begins with our warm-up, which includes a movement song and kid friendly stretch! While stretching, we learn positions like tuck, straddle, pike; sometimes we even make a pizza while we stretch!
Next, we will do 2 different events; vault and bars or floor and beam.The children will learn basic skills on each event as well as mastering the art of following directions, walking in line, and waiting their turn!
Typically, the last 5-10 minutes of class is spent on trampoline or tumble track and our loose foam pit! Then it's stamps and a popsicle for everyone!
Gym Stars Skills Meet Program
The Gym Stars Skills Meets program introduces athletes to the world of competitive gymnastics in a fun and rewarding structure. Athletes in ALL Boys and Girls Recreational and Preschool Classes are encouraged to participate in these meets, that take place at 6 different gymnastics facilities in the area; Texas Star, Maximum-Woodlands, Discover Gymnastics, World Champions Centre and K2 Academy.
These meets are conducted in a non-competitive format. The children receive a ribbon for each of the 4 events, based on their performance.
The cost to participate is $45 per athlete for the first 5 meets and $55 for the final meet. This fee includes a practice meet on the Friday evening before the skills meet! These fees are collected prior to each meet. There are Skills Meet leotards and t-shirts available for by special order for anyone who is interested.
Our Rising Stars, Mighty Stars and Recreational Elite class members are required to attend these meets. Entry fees are included in the monthly tuition for these groups. Skills meet attire is included in the registration fee for these groups.
Spectator Fees:
$8 for adults and children 13 and older
$5 for senior citizens and kids 12 and under
2024-2025 Skills Meet Schedule:
November 9th, 2024 at Texas Star
December 7th, 2024 at Maximum-Woodlands
January 18th, 2025 at Discover Gymnastics
February 22nd, 2025 at Texas Star
March 22nd, 2025 at WCC
April 26th, 2025 at K2 Academy