Parent's Night Out
Need some adult time?
Looking for something fun for the kids
to do while you're out or just chilling at home.
Drop the kids (ages 3+) off for 3 hours of gym time! Time 5:00pm - 8:00pm Stay tuned for our next one.
Cost is $35 for 1st member child member sibling $30 each.
Each member is allowed to invite 1 non member guest.
A non member guest $40 (whom has not paid a Texas Star registration for the 2024-2025 season)
Guest guardian MUST register through our parent portal at
Under notes please tell us whom you are a guest with.
Bring a snack and water (snack machine available at an additional cost)
They'll have a blast on our trampolines and loose-foam pit, gymnastics equipment,
playing games and so much more!
Ages 3+
Member: $35
Siblings: $30
Non Member Guest $40
(members may bring one guest at member price of $35)
PNO Dates
Halloween PNO Oct. 26th
Winter Wonderland PNO Dec. 21st
Spring Fling PNO April 12th